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Computer Integrated Machining Diploma (D50210)

Fall Semester

Course name Prerequisite Credit hours Contact hours Semester offered
BPR 111 Blueprint Reading None 2 3 Fall, Spring
MAC 121 Introduction to CNC None 2 2 Fall, Spring
MAC 122 CNC Turning None 2 4 Fall
MAC 124 CNC Milling None 2 4 Fall
MAC 141 Machine Applications I None 4 8 Fall
MAC 141A Machine Applications I Lab None 2 6 Fall

Spring Semester

Course name Prerequisite Credit hours Contact hours Semester offered
MAC 142 Machine Applications II MAC 141 4 8 Spring
MAC 142A Machine Applications II Lab MAC 141A 2 6 Spring
MAC 151 Machining Calculations None 2 3 Spring
MAC 222 Advanced CNC Turning MAC 122 2 4 Spring
MAC 224 Advanced CNC Milling MAC 124 2 4 Spring
MEC 110 Introduction to CAD/CAM None 2 3 Spring
MAT 110 Math Measurement & Literacy OR MAT 121 Algebra/Trigonometry I Satisfactory Placement or MAT 003 3 4 Fall, Spring, Summer

Summer Semester

Course name Prerequisite Credit hours Contact hours Semester offered
ENG 111 Writing & Inquiry Satisfactory Placement or ENG 002 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
MAC 223 Applications to CNC Machining MAC 142 6 14 Summer
MEC 231 Computer Aided Manufacturing None 3 5 Spring, Summer
Technical Elective (see list below) Varies 5 Varies Varies

Technical Elective - Choose 5 credit hours from the following courses

Course name Prerequisite Credit hours Contact hours Semester offered
AUT 211 Automotive Machine None 4 8 Fall
CIS 110 Introduction to Computers None 3 4 Fall, Spring, Summer
DFT 121 Introduction to GD&T None 2 3 Summer
DFT 154 Intro to Solid Modeling None 3 5 Spring
ISC 121 Environmental Health & Safety None 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
MAC 234 Adv Muli-Axis Machining None 3 5 Spring
MAC 234A Adv Multi-Axis Machining None 1 3 Spring
MAC 241 Jigs & Fixtures None 4 8 Fall
MEC 232 Computer-Aided Manufacturing II None 3 5 Spring, Summer

48 Total Semester Credit Hours For Diploma

Program contact

Jeff Waters

Computer Integrated Machining Instructor
Applied Technologies
Machine Shop, 1E

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