College to participate in trip to Bordeaux
By: Mike Gavin
Published: November 03, 2021
SPINDALE (Nov. 1, 2021) – Several students will have the opportunity to travel to Bordeaux, France, in the coming summer as part of an international study program.
The program is in partnership with Davidson-Davie Community College and Isothermal has a limited number of spots available.
It will involve a class in the spring in which North Carolina community college students will work with students from the University of Bordeaux on designing a solar-powered cell phone charger. The program will include virtual exchange meetings during the Spring 2022 semester with French students before travel.
“It is important to note that a student does not have to have specific technical knowledge to participate in this program,” said Matthew Humphries, the Isothermal English instructor who is working on the effort.
Known for its vineyards, chateaus, and wine, Bordeaux is France’s second most popular tourist destination after Paris. The city is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its history dates to Roman times. Bordeaux hosts many historical buildings and monuments, including the 12th century Cathedral of Saint-André.
There will also be a variety of cultural excursions included in the program with homestays with French families on the weekend.
The cost to the student would be no more than $1,850 plus spending money, Humphries said.
Space is extremely limited, so contact Humphries soon if you are interested. He may be reached at mhumphries@isothermal.edu.