Isothermal’s Practical Nurses Earn 100 Percent Pass Rate
By: Mike Gavin
Published: October 29, 2019
All 27 of this year’s practical nursing students at Isothermal Community College successfully completed the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).
Students obtained nursing knowledge from the classroom, skills in the nursing lab, and hands-on experience in long-term care and hospital environments. In addition, the PN students at ICC attended several observation sites which included a prison, physician’s practices, and a wound center. As licensed practical nurses (LPN), these graduates will work in hospitals, physician’s offices, plus long-term care and rehab facilities. The PN program has been a part of Isothermal since 1972.
LPNs continue to be a vital part of healthcare and have been a part of the nursing community in North Carolina since 1947. It is estimated that, by 2024, there will be an 18 percent increase in LPN positions in North Carolina. LPNs in North Carolina average $42,000 annually and that rate is expected to increase. These nurses work in multiple healthcare areas which may include public health, private duty, mental health facilities, hospice, or dialysis centers.
In order to be considered for the PN program, the deadline for a complete application is March 25, 2020. While the deadline is in the spring semester, classes will begin in August 2020.
There are several student requirements to be considered for this 12-month program. The top 35 applicants must have the certified nursing assistant (CNA) certification prior to starting the program, a TEAS score of 60 or higher, and attend a health science information meeting.
For additional information and requirements including dates for information sessions, please review ICC’s website: www.isothermal.edu/healthsciences. In addition, prospective students should contact Tina Porter, Pre-Health Sciences Nursing Advisor by email at tporter@isothermal.edu or by phone at 828-395-1621. The college’s dedicated nursing faculty look forward to helping students achieve their goal of becoming a nurse.
Category: Continuing Education
Keywords: Nursing