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Communication Resources

The following policy guidelines are to be observed:

  1. No personal long distance calls are to be charged to any of the college numbers.
  2. No personal FAX messages are to be transmitted.
  3. It is the policy of the administration to interrupt classes as little as possible. Only in emergencies should faculty or students be interrupted during a class. Should a faculty member receive a non-emergency telephone call, the secretary should take the name and number of the caller and notify the faculty member of the call.
  4. All employees should keep personal calls to a minimum. Employees should make every effort to limit the duration of personal calls since a personal call does take a business trunk line out of operation.
  5. Cell phones must be turned off in classrooms and the library.
  6. College employees may make reasonable personal use of the campus network, E-Mail, and the Internet as long as the direct, measurable cost to the public is none or is negligible, and there is no negative impact on employees’ performance of duties.

Policy Number: 801-04-02

Adopted: May 22, 1991

Amended: July 20, 2006

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