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Sexual Assault Response

Isothermal Community College has taken a proactive stance for safety and security by establishing a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). SART has developed procedures for responding to students who report they are victims of sexual assault. SART includes the Dean of Students, the Dean of Continuing Education, the Director of Human Resources, the Vice President of Administrative Services, and
representatives from the Campus Enforcement and Counseling departments as appropriate.

Any representative of SART as well as counseling staff may provide students with information regarding community assistance programs that supplement college services in areas such as personal safety, domestic violence, sexual assault, etc. Also, educational programs and materials are made available to assist students in managing personal safety and sexual assault prevention. For more information, contact Student Services, Human Resources, and/or Campus Enforcement.

Helpful Resources:

Path Shelter
Rutherford County
(828) 245-8595

Steps to Hope Shelter
Polk County
(828) 894-2340

NC SAVAN:  North Carolina Statewide Automated
Victim Assistance and Notification
877- NC SAVAN, (877) 627-2826

National Sexual Assault Hotline
(800) 656-HOPE, (800) 656-4673

North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Policy Number: 601-02-04

Adopted: August 2011

Amended: January 2013; November 12, 2014

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